Tap Adventure: Time Travel Gameplay Pt 1 – “New Clicker Game 2017!” – PC Walkthrough 60fps – GPV247
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Tap Adventure: Time Travel Gameplay Pt 1 – “New Clicker Game 2017!” – Tap Adventure: Time Travel Walkthrough Strategy for PC 60fps in 1080p. Tap Adventure: Time Travel Is a new clicker game in 2017!
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In this Tap Adventure: Time Travel Walkthrough series you shall be seeing the journey of Gameplayvids247’s progression in this game. This is a Tap Adventure: Time Travel guide for the PC/Steam version of the game. You will be seeing all Tap Adventure: Time Travel monsters and loot drops and my on the fly review of the game.
Tap Adventure: Time Travel is an RPG clicker game in authentic Patch World. A team of heroes starts their journey through thick forests, spooky swamps, dense jungle, gold mines, timeless glaciers, and lifeless wasteland.
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