Scratch Tutorial: How to Make A Fish Clicker Game using Variables -

Scratch Tutorial: How to Make A Fish Clicker Game using Variables

Apetech STEM Tutorials
Views: 506
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In this video, #Scratch #Tutorial: How to Make a Fish Clicker #Game, I create a working game of catching fish! This game introduces how to use variables in Scratch. Variables further extend the functionality of your Scratch program by allowing you to save information into variables. Almost every piece of code written in the real world utilizes variables to work. Variables are basically like boxes that allow you store information in them. Your application/program then references the information in those variables and then does something with them. When you combine variables and loops and conditional statements, your program starts to really take off. I explain how all the different coding blocks make the application work and talk about how variables work. This is the next project in our multipart series of Scratch online tutorials. Learn how to use Scratch by building fun projects. This tutorial is perfect for people wanting to get started with learning how to code or for teachers wanting to introduce coding to their classrooms. We hope that you learn something amazing and please check some of our different tutorial videos! Make sure you subscribe to my channel for more videos



