Scratch Clicker Game Tutorial (EP 3) | How to make a Clicker Game in Scratch | Scratch Games -

Scratch Clicker Game Tutorial (EP 3) | How to make a Clicker Game in Scratch | Scratch Games

SL Smart Mind
Views: 2895
Like: 53
Hi Guys ,
In this video series I will be showing you how to make an AWESOME CLICKER GAME in SCRATCH with shop, upgrades, characters, achievements and MANY MORE… So in this video I will show you how to Switch Costumes and Backgrounds and The Score Counter.





My Scratch Account👇👇

Check Out My Other Pokémon Scratch tutorials👇👇

Pokémon Halloween Battle Game👇👇

Who’s that Pokémon Game👇👇

Scratch Pokémon Battle Game👇👇

Make sure to Like, Subscribe and Share !!!
See you with Another Awesome Scratch Tutorial !!!

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