Let's Code: Oreo Clicker Game (GameMaker Studio) | Part 2 of 2 - androidgamestore.net

Let’s Code: Oreo Clicker Game (GameMaker Studio) | Part 2 of 2

Sharp Programming
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In this video tutorial serie, we make a cookie clicker copy game, called Oreo clicker, I’ve provided the sprites and backgrounds below for download on Mediafire. If you are new to Gamemaker or not yet acquainted with Gamemaker, then please follow along and enjoy, I hope this will help you to broaden your understanding of Game development!
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The Oreo Clicker game is my first GameMaker Studio project on video. I give it my best try to make a succesful game that everyone can follow, so if you are new to Gamemaker studio, or not yet acquainted with Gamemaker studio, this video series is a simple way for you to follow, and get a basic understanding of how this software works, and how it can perform.
Ore clicker is a fun little project that I hope everyone can see the fun in, And do not worry, I know that clicker games are absolutely toxic and way over done. but the uses for these games in understanding game development it great! It is a numbers game, which forces the developer to deal with variables and in this case, globals. It also forces art work to be done, to truly display what this game is.
It forces the developer has to understand much, and all that makes up a basic understanding of development, and a developmental process.

As we speak, this project has been finished, but will not be provided as a download, as that would be intruding on the Oreo brand, which is the last this that I would want.

* Disclaimer: This project is neither my original idea, as clicker games have been made for years. I am in no way associated with the Oreo brand, in any way, and do not claim any rights to the Oreo brand.

Sprite & Background Pack Download Link:

Thank you for downloading the pack, I hope this ‘art’ that I’ve made here for you, can help you out in future, and by all means, pass it on to anyone who would want to use it for anything. It is mine, but I do not attempt to restrict the use of it in any way.