How To Make a Clicker Game Button! || Roblox Studio Tutorials #0009 -

How To Make a Clicker Game Button! || Roblox Studio Tutorials #0009

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Hey everyone! I’m going to be teaching you how to make a Clicker Game button. Once the button is clicked it will give the player 1 currency! I hope you enjoy 😀

Leaderstats Tutorial Video:
What is Roblox?

Roblox is an imagination platform where you can let your imagination run free. Players can upload games that they have created through Roblox’s development software, Roblox Studio. Roblox is a huge platform where friends, family, and others can play together and have fun. It inspires a lot of things to come to the platform and brings the community together.

Outro Music: Mario Kart || Mario & Luigi Circuit
Background Music: Wii Channel Music
#roblox​​ #robloxstudio​​ #robloxstudiotutorial