How to create a simple Clicker Game with Unity? Quick Unity 2D tutorial. -

How to create a simple Clicker Game with Unity? Quick Unity 2D tutorial.

Alexander Zotov
Views: 41716
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#UnityTutorial #SimpleUnityGame #UnityClickerGame
In this video I am going to show you how to create a simple Clicker Game with cute kitten and small store (shop) with surprises to buy.
We will create two UI panels one of it will be game panel and another will be a shop panel. Earn currency by clicking (stroking) a cat and buy goods in a game shop to make a kitten happy. This is just a base that can be used to create a big and much more complicated clicker game.
Hope you like this tutorial)

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What this video is about and what it can be used for also: unity 2d tutorial,
unity tutorial, clicker game unity, how to make clicker game, how to create clicker game, how to make clicker game unity, How to create a simple Clicker Game with Unity, simple clicker game, change mouse cursor unity, make shop unity, make shop in game unity, UI panel unity, shop C# script unity, clicker script unity, clicker game shop unity, unity clicker, learn unity fast, unity tutorial, how to make games with unity, unity how to make game, unity how to make 2d game, not as good as brackeys but good as well.