High Profit Gameplay: #1 – NEW DRUG CLICKER GAME! – PC Walkthrough Playthrough – GPV247
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In this High Profits Walkthrough series you shall be seeing the journey of Gameplayvids247’s progression in this game. This is a High Profits guide for the PC/Steam version of the game. You will be seeing all High Profits drugs and characters in the game while also seeing my on the fly review. This is a funny pot farm high profits series by gpv247!
Ever wanted to make money from your own Grow-Op? High Profits is your go-to weed growing game.. Gorgeous Graphics, Chill Music and Quirky Characters make this Pot Growing Game Highly Addictive!
Add cash to your stash, track your earnings, diversify your pot portfolio and Make Profits!
Click away, become a virtual Millionaire, Billionaire, Trillionaire, Decillionaire or even a Duodecillionaire!
And if you earn enough and are brave enough, you may be able to purchase enough plutonium to travel back in time and compete in the legendary Game of Stoned!
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