Clicker Game Tutorial Unity C#, Part 2 -

Clicker Game Tutorial Unity C#, Part 2

Simon Something
Views: 44619
Like: 635
Hi everyone! I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart, super cheesy I know but all this support has been really great and I’m so glad you’ve appreciated these tutorials they’ve been super fun to make.

In this tutorial we’re adding items that you can buy to increase our gold per second. In the next tutorial we’ll make the game a bit prettier with custom fonts, a background, and we’ll also change the look of our buttons slightly to give it a nicer look to it.

If you want to see more, show your appreciation by subscribing, liking the video, and leave a comment; I read every single one of them so if you need help with anything, just let me know 🙂

If you haven’t downloaded unity 4.6 you can get it here:

If you’re COMPLETELY new to Unity this might be helpful:

, although it’s not necessary if you follow the tutorial step by step.

Unity Documentation: (In the topright search bar just search for Coroutine for example)

Great tutorials on how loops work:

Thanks for watching!